
Social Media and Fundraising

Nov 30 2015

There are many ways that modern technology has revolutionised the fundraising industry. Today’s software allows charities to have a single central location for charitable events, teams, volunteers, security and fundraising. But whilst some may think that using this technology eliminates all of the guesswork from successful fundraising, the truth is that if you are looking to raise money for an organisation, you will still have to research and explore a number of strategies, one of which is using social media.

CRM Software For Small Charities

Sep 24 2015

The last 20 years have seen huge changes in the way that charities conduct fundraising campaigns. The third sector has become far more professional, focused and targeted in the way that it fundraises and manages donors. For large charities, such as Shelter, Macmillan, RSPB and Oxfam, this is resulted in a massive increase in income through fundraising, and a subsequent expansion of their operations. Much of this has been made possible by specialist fundraising CRM software packages that are tailor-made to meet the needs of charities.

CRM Software For Fundraising

Sep 24 2015

Many charitable organisations are now using CRM, or Contact Relationship Management software to manage their fundraising efforts. In fact, using this kind of software has become ubiquitous in the fundraising realm over the past few years.

CRM Software Purchase and Implementation

Sep 24 2015

If your charity is thinking about implementing CRM software to make accepting donations and other tasks easier, then you already realise all or at least most of the benefits. But in addition to the advantages that CRM software can bring to your charity, there are also several considerations to ponder before doing so.

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Social Media and Fundraising
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