
Success with Small Amount Fundraising

Jan 05 2016

Success with Small Amount Fundraising

Although your charity, like so many others may receive large gifts from major donors, you likely also receive a large amount of your donations from those who are donating smaller amounts. And these smaller amounts are just as important as larger contributions. After all, a donor is a donor, regardless of the size of their gift. And, as they say, ‘it all adds up’.

Hundreds of those little gifts can turn into a significant amount of money donated to your charity. And so it’s important that you do as much as possible to ensure success with smaller donors.

Be Specific about your Goals

Any time you ask for donations, clarity is a good way to get them. What do you want to do with the donations you receive? One example could be “Your £5 donation can help keep a child warm during the winter”. The more legitimate a case, you will keep your donors excited and engaged with your cause and therefore have an easier time to get their donations for subsequent campaigns.

Make it Reasonable

The more reasonable a donation request is, the more likely people will be to donate to it. But there is another bonus to this, and that is that the donor will feel good about giving any amount. This is vital, because they can feel good about contributing no matter how much was given to your organisation.

Provide a Wide Donation Range

Another key with getting small donations is to offer many options for doing so. For example, if you offer options that range from £5 to £50, you will gain donations from a wide range of supporters. A bonus benefit is that when making a contribution at the high end of the scale, your donors can feel important and know they’ve made a large contribution to your cause.

Tailor your site for quick and Easy Donations

A donor that is able to donate without having to search endlessly is one that will give more often. This means ensuring that the path to your donation page is a clear one. Any small donation is usually one given on impulse, so it’s best to ensure nothing interferes with this. Counting the number of clicks between your request and the donation button is a good way to determine just how easy it is to donate to your charity.

Target those who are passionate about you

Who is most likely to understand your cause and feel passionately-enough about it that they want to make a donation? The question to ask is, where the goal to realise success with small donations. This means targeting the believers in your cause. These will be long-term givers who will form the foundation for future success of your organisation.

Getting and Keeping Contact Information

Because the number of small donors to your organisation will be high in number, you will need to make sure that you have a way to not only acquire their contact information, but also have a system in place for storing that information for your future requests. CRM software for charities can offer your organisation many benefits in terms of storing and organising large amounts of data. It can also help you keep track of your outreach efforts and number of donations per individual.

In addition to the above, you have to be able to effectively respond to each donation with some kind of acknowledgement to the donor. For example, as soon as a donation is made, you can ensure that a message is sent to the donor to thank them for supporting your organisation. You can then encourage them to share your cause with others by providing a link to your cause.

With a well-planned small gift strategy in place, you can always be sure that your organisation receives the donations it needs.

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