Change Log


Released: 12/04/2016


Further changes to the Reassign Group Members have been made to optimise the process even more.

Contacts Quick Search / Recycle Bin

The left date is now available in the contacts quick search screen and recycle bin.

Profile Creator

If there wasn't a profile field or profile section selected and the user clicks out of the Row or Column field, an error would occur. This has been resolved.

Advice and Representation

The following fields have been added to an A & R case; Settlement Amount, Outcome, Referred By and Documents Received On, Tribunal Date, Tribunal Deadline Date.

Standing Order Payments

The Transaction Date in the Standing Order tab can now be pre-filled with either today's date or the demand date. This option can be set by going to Action > Options.

Lookup File Maintenance

If the Groups screen was open, but a group wasn't selected and a list in the Lookup File Maintenance was modified, a message would popup. This has been resolved.

Web Sync - Modifications

New addresses which had been added by a user but then deleted, were still showing in the Web Sync - Modifications area as new addresses. This has been resolved.

Delete Contacts

It is now possible to delete multiple contacts at once through Reports > Contacts. The option 'Delete Contacts' has been added to the Output Type drop down. This is only available to administrators who have the permission to delete contacts.

Reports - Event Delegates

When adding the Event field to the selection criteria, deleted events are no longer showing up.

Temporary File

Any temporary files that SubscriberCRM creates are now automatically cleaned up.


A PDF of the invoice can now be emailed as an attachment. You can do this by selecting the 'Email Selected Invoices as Attachments' option.


The fundraising screen has been updated.


The contacts Position and Department is now also available in the Group Members screen.

Manage Permissions

There was an issue whereby if the permissions of a role were updated, but a user has different profile permissions, the users permissions would still be overwritten. This has been resolved.

Web Sync - Modifications

The tabs that don't have any changes are now much more greyed out to make it clearer that they don't need to be clicked on. Also the prefix 'Profile: ' has been removed from the text on the profile tabs.

Manage Duplicate Contacts

The information in multiple row profiles on the Contact to Retain was deleted and the information on the Contact To Remove was copied over. The original information is now retained instead.


Cannot change the transaction date if a payment is included in gift aid claim.


A batch cannot be deleted if it contains claimed gift aid payments.

Gift Aid

Information about the contact is now stored when a gift aid claim is submitted. This allows you to look back at the exact details that were used for the submission.

Web Sync - New Contacts

If you do not want the Payments tab visible in the New Contacts Wizard when it is loaded from the web sync screen, it can now be disabled in the New Contact Information tab in Settings.

Future Subscriptions

It is now possible to add a subscription that will become 'current' in the future. The status of the subscription must be set to 'Future' and the start date set to when the subscription should start. If the contact has a current membership subscription, it is recommended that the expiration date is entered on this.

Multiple Profile

The data in the multiple profile grids can now be grouped and the column chooser has been added to the grids.

Contact Links

The contact links has been updated to make it easier to manage.

Event Merging

Group Number, Table Number and Seat Number of the sub event bookings are now available as merge fields in the merge documents.

About SubscriberCRM

There is now an 'About' dialog which shows information about SubscriberCRM such as the version, server, database and license information.

SubscriberCRM Icon

The icon of SubscriberCRM has been updated.

Microsoft Azure SQL Database

SubscriberCRM is now compatible with Microsoft Azure SQL Database which will allow you to store the SubscriberCRM data in the cloud.